Thursday, June 21, 2018


While we may have viewed things from different perspectives, I’m certain that the border issue was grievous to most all Americans. Thankfully an executive order was signed to help remedy the situation. What continues to linger, however, is the shaming and finger wagging on social media. This is also grievous to me. To be honest, I don’t completely understand why professed followers of Jesus engage in it, when He taught not to judge, love your neighbor and love your enemy. But for some, it’s more important to make their political point, not through constructive conversation, but by lashing out at those who don’t share their position. I expect this in the world, but not among the family of God.

All of us have convictions that we feel strongly about. But rather than cast stones at those who see things differently, it would be more worthwhile to help others understand our side of things and make some attempt to understand theirs. Who knows, we may even persuade some to change their views (If that’s important to you). We don’t win anyone by attacking them, that’s for sure. We come off as uptight, arrogant and judgmental. That’s not a good reputation for anyone to have, especially a follower of Christ. 

It’s sad to say but, too many followers are better known for political uptightness than spiritual uprightness; or a wagging finger as opposed to a compassionate heart. I have made numerous appeals to the flock at Calvary Austin, to love like Jesus on social media and not be divisive. At this point, I question how effective these appeals have been. However, I do see some light with our younger generation. They also seem to recognize the disparity between what Jesus taught and what politically agitated Christians post on Facebook. It seems to offend them as much as it does me. So, in the end, I’ll help to shape a few more of them. May this next generation of Jesus lovers prove to be more friendly and less combative.