Tuesday, February 12, 2019


If you’re reading this, I’m guessing it’s because the title got your attention. Maybe it even shocked or alarmed you, especially with me being in fulltime ministry and all. “What’s up with Pastor Terry?” some may wonder. While it’s true I do favor the lounge to the dining room in most restaurants, it’s not for reasons you may initially assume. Let me first say right off the bat, I am not a drinker. Nor am I trying to be one of those trendy barstool evangelists you may have read about in Relevant magazine. What I will admit to is, I’m a rare breed. But, certainly not one to be envied. 

I suffer from Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome (CPPS). This condition manifests itself in multiple ways. In my case, the pelvic floor muscles are in a constant, continuous spasm, and have been for over twelve years now. These spasms cause all kind of havoc in my body: muscle pain, nerve pain and regular flare-ups. To help manage, I see a physical therapist that specializes in CPPS on a weekly basis. I also see other doctors for complications that arise because of my spasms. 

Many like me don’t get out much, simply because it’s too complicated. We can’t sit and are too embarrassed to explain why. As for me, I’m finally over it. It’s time to put myself out there and bring some awareness to what silent sufferers of CPPS deal with. Maybe I can encourage a few who live with pain to get out more with the normal crowd. And maybe, just maybe, I can help normal folks better understand those like me that miss the normal life. 

As odd as it may sound, this is my rational for why I belly up to the bar. It’s mainly because I want to do what normal people do. I want to eat at the restaurants everyone else eats at. The only thing standing in my way is those dreaded chairs. But in the lounge, yes, the blessed lounge, tall tables shine in all their glory, tall tables that invite me to stand! (Thank you Chili’s, Applebee’s, Torchy’s and Chuy’s for this wonderful provision. You’ll never know how much people like me appreciate it!) Not all restaurants are so accommodating, but at this stage I know which do and which don’t. And I’m always checking pictures on Yelp if there’s any question. This goes for coffeehouses too. Many have tall tables or a bar while others don’t. Are you hearing me Starbuck’s?

While CPPS is recognized in the U.S. as a disability, there are no requirements for public establishments to accommodate those who can’t sit comfortably. Visiting such places comes at a painful cost to the daring few, not only while they sit, but possibly for hours or even days afterwards. There’s no other agony quite like it. Therefore, folks like me either turn down dinner invitations or suggest the lounge. So, if you happen to see me belly up to the bar, don’t judge me. Join me! I might even treat you to a soda water with a twist of lime.

“For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.” Romans 8:18